The District Chapter, Gaithersburg, MD of the Harley Owner’s Group invites you to a day of riding, games, and fun during the Carnival of HOGs. Riders play carnival games for points with a bonus stop on the route. Highest three scores for the day will win a District Harley-Davidson gift certificate and other great prizes. Lunch will be provided to all those that participate.
Starting point: District Harley-Davidson, 7830 Airpark Road, Gaithersbiurg, MD. 20879
Registration is $10, opens at 10am and closes at noon. The ride, plus stops and playing games, will take about 2 hours. Last bikes are in by 2pm. The stopping point is back at District H-D for more game playing. Event will be rain or shine.
The ride will include some highway miles, but mostly country roads and lower speeds. Please arrive at the departure point with a full tank of gas.
LRC: Pat Curry
Official Ride ends upon arrival at District H-D.
This is a closed ride