Chapter – Kick off the Dust Ride.
10:00 AM10:00

Chapter – Kick off the Dust Ride.

Departure Location

Harley-Davidson of Baltimore 8845 Pulaski Highway Baltimore, MD 21237

Come and join Eric Evans as he leads a Kick off the Dust ride. We have been sitting around over the winter, and now it is time to ride. This ride is for our New Members to help them get accustomed to group riding with the Baltimore Metro Chapter, and give our “Not so New” members a chance to brush up on their group riding skills. Plan to be at the Harley Store at 10:00 am, where Eric will go over the planned route After the ride, we will return to the Harley Store to discuss the ride, and answer any questions the riders may have.

AGAIN, this ride is for all Baltimore Metro Chapter members, New & Not so New, to help us prepare for a great 2025 riding season.

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Chapter Weekday Lunch Ride to Delta Family Restaurant.
9:45 AM09:45

Chapter Weekday Lunch Ride to Delta Family Restaurant.

Departure Location

Royal Farms – White Marsh 5361 Nottingham Dr. White Marsh, MD 21162

Join Bob Brittingham as he leads a scenic lunch ride to the Delta Family Restaurant in Delta, PA.

Be at the White Marsh Royal Farms by 9:45 AM for the pre-ride briefing with KSU at 10:00am.

This will be a rain or shine event. In the event of rain, or for anyone preferring not to attend the ride portion, plan to be at the Delta Family Restaurant at 12:00 Noon.

Delta Family Restaurant 5978 Delta Rd, Delta, PA 17314

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Camp Cone Practice
11:00 AM11:00

Camp Cone Practice

Marley Station Mall parking lot near old Sears building.

Come out with Marty Smith, and enjoy some practice time to get yourself ready for the riding events that will be held at the HOG’s At The Beach rally in September of 2025.

Marty will be arranging practice sessions for the Slow Ride, Jousting and other events which are held at the HATB rally in September.

Marley Station Mall
7900 Ritchie Highway
Glen Burnie MD 21061

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Chapter April Social at Oscars Ale House in Pasadena
2:00 PM14:00

Chapter April Social at Oscars Ale House in Pasadena

Join us for our April Chapter Social at Oscars Ale House in Pasadena, MD, from 2:00pm to 6:00pm. We will have a section set aside for our Chapter.

Please do not show up early for this social, as our reservation time does not start until 2:00 pm.

Oscars Ale House
8026 Ritchie Highway (Rt. 2)
Pasadena, MD 21122

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Chapter Ride to King of Prussia, PA to participate in the HOG 15 for 25 program.
8:45 AM08:45

Chapter Ride to King of Prussia, PA to participate in the HOG 15 for 25 program.

Departure Location

Royal Farms - Hunt Valley
11119 McCormick RD
Hunt Valley, MD 21931

Join Marty Smith as he leads a Chapter ride to the King of Prussia.
A lunch location will be decided the day of the ride.

We will ride up to King of Prussia to grab photos to participate in the 15 for 25 program that National HOG has published.
Remember to bring your annual guideboobk.
This will be an all day ride.

Be at the Hunt Valley Royal Farms by 8:45 am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 9:00 am.

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Demo Days at Harley Davidson of Baltimore
11:00 AM11:00

Demo Days at Harley Davidson of Baltimore

Friday, Saturday & Sunday - April 25th, 26th and 27th
Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm, and 9:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday and Sunday

Come out to Harley Davidson of Baltimore for their Spring Demo days, Friday Saturday & Sunday April 25th, 26th and 27th, and test ride all the new 2025 Harley Davidson models.

On Saturday & Sunday, there will be live music, and there will be food trucks serving food.

HD of Baltimore
8845 Pulaski Highway
Baltimore, MD 21237

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April Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter Gathering
7:00 PM19:00

April Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter Gathering

HD of Baltimore – ( Upstairs room over the Royal Enfield Showroom)
8841 Pulaski Highway
Baltimore, MD 21237

The April Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter gathering will be held at the Harley Davidson of Baltimore Store, on Tuesday April 29, 2025, in the upstairs room over the Royal Enfield Showroom.

There will be a social hour from 6:00 am to7:00am. The Chapter meeting portion will run from 7:00pm to 8:00pm,

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Ride to the BMC Bike Blessing at St. James Episcopal Church
9:00 AM09:00

Ride to the BMC Bike Blessing at St. James Episcopal Church

Departure Location: Royal Farms - Hunt Valley, 11119 McCormick Rd. Hunt Valley, MD 21031

The Baltimore Metro Chapter will be hosting a Bike Blessing on Sunday May 4, 2025 at St. James Episcopal Church in Monkton, MD.

This will be an OPEN event and all are welcome to attend.

Marty Smith will lead a ride to the Bike Blessing, leaving from the Hunt Valley Royal Farms, going to St. James Episcopal Church to attend the morning church service which begins at 1015am. Following the service, Rick Loseman will be performing our annual Bike Blessing.

900am - be at the Hunt Valley Royal Farms for the pre-ride briefing. 9:15/ 9:30am - KSU for ride to St. James Episcopal Church 9:45/ 10:00am - arrive at St. James Episcopal Church & get bikes parked in reserved area. 10:15am - Church service begins. Immediately following the service Father Paul will perform the Bike Blessing at the bike

Those not able to attend the morning service, can arrive at St. James Church by 11:00am, as the Bike Blessing will take place following the morning service.

St. James Episcopal Church 3100 Monkton Rd. Monkton, MD 21111

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Chapter Cinco De Mayo Day Ride to Market Street Cafe. Save the Date
11:30 AM11:30

Chapter Cinco De Mayo Day Ride to Market Street Cafe. Save the Date

Departure Location:

Royal Farms - White Marsh 5361 Nottingham Drive White Marsh, MD 21162

Join Dennis Pencek, as he leads a Scenic Ride to Market Street Café in Charlestown MD.

This will be a later departure time since the Market St. Café does not open until 1:00pm on Mondays.

EZ Pass will not be needed. The official Chapter ride will end upon arrival at the Market Street Café.

Be at the White Marsh Royal Farms by 11:30am for the pre-ride briefing with KSU at 11:45am.


Market Street Café 315 Market Street Charlestown, MD 21914

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Chapter Weekday Lunch Ride to Oscar’s Ale House Restaurant in Eldersburg, MD
9:45 AM09:45

Chapter Weekday Lunch Ride to Oscar’s Ale House Restaurant in Eldersburg, MD

Departure Location:

Royal Farms – Hunt Valley 11119 McCormick Rd. Hunt Valley 21031

Join Bob Brittingham, as he leads a scenic lunch ride to Oscar’s Ale House in Eldersburg, MD. Be at Hunt Valley Royal Farms by 9:45am for the pre-ride briefing with KSU at 10:00am. Oscar’s Ale House 1438 Liberty Rd. Eldersburg, MD 21784

NOTE: This will be a rain or shine event. In the event of rain, or for anyone choosing not to attend the ride portion, please plan to meet us at the Restaurant at 12:00 noon

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Chapter Ride to the Fisherman's Crab Deck in Kent Narrow, MD.
8:45 AM08:45

Chapter Ride to the Fisherman's Crab Deck in Kent Narrow, MD.

Departure Location: Royal Farms - Hunt Valley 11119 McCormick Rd. Hunt Valley, MD 21031

Join Kyle Drake as he leads a Scenic Ride to the Fisherman’s Crab Deck in Kent Island MD. Kyle will be taking the long way, up & around, to Fisherman’s Crab Deck, so an EZ pass should not be necessary, however you might want to bring one along just in case.

Be at the Hunt Valley Royal Farms by 8:45am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 9:00am.

The Official Chapter ride will end upon arrival at Fisherman’s Crab Deck.

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Chapter Ride to September Farm Cheese Restaurant in Honey Brook, PA.
9:45 AM09:45

Chapter Ride to September Farm Cheese Restaurant in Honey Brook, PA.

Departure Location: Royal Farms – White Marsh 5631 Nottingham Drive White Marsh, MD

Join Devin Wert as he leads a ride to September Farm Cheese Restaurant on Honey Brook, PA. This will be about a 2.5 hour ride (80 miles) and there will be a rest stop at Lancaster HD in Willow Valley along the way.

Be at the White Marsh Royal Farms by 9:45 am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU au 10:00 am

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Chapter ride to Ocean City for Thrashers French Fries
7:45 AM07:45

Chapter ride to Ocean City for Thrashers French Fries

Join Eric Evans, as we head to the ocean, Hon. Let’s ride to the beach for fries and lunch. We will be heading down Rt. 50 & across the Bay Bridge, so don’t forget your EZ Pass. We will make stops along the way as needed.

Be at the Glen Burnie Royal Farms by 0745 am for the pre-ride briefing with KSU at 8:00 am, and we will head to the Royal Farms in Glen Burnie, MD

Our final destination is the inlet in Ocean City Maryland.

The lunch location will be decided when we arrive in Ocean City.

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Chapter Camp Cone practice
11:00 AM11:00

Chapter Camp Cone practice

Marley Station Mall parking lot near old Sears building.

Come out with Marty Smith, and enjoy some practice time to get yourself ready for the riding events that will be held at the HOG’s At The Beach rally in September of 2025.

Marty will be arranging practice sessions for the Slow Ride, Jousting and other events which are held at the HATB rally in September.

Marley Station Mall
7900 Ritchie Highway
Glen Burnie MD 21061

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Chapter Ride to Bullock’s Country Family Restaurant
9:45 AM09:45

Chapter Ride to Bullock’s Country Family Restaurant

  • Bullock’s Country Family Restaurant (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Departure Location: Royal Farms – Catonsville 6430 Rt. 40 West Catonsville, MD 21228

Join Kristina Parker, as she leads a scenic lunch ride to Bullock’s Family Restaurant in Westminster, MD. Be at Royal Farms by 9:45 AM for the pre-ride briefing with KSU at 10:00 AM. (EZ Pass will not be needed)

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Chapter Ride to Ft. Washington HD for their Riding to Remember Open House.
9:15 AM09:15

Chapter Ride to Ft. Washington HD for their Riding to Remember Open House.

Departure Location

Royal Farms – Glen Burnie 930 Cromwell Park Drive Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Join Kevin Penharlow as he leads us on a highway ride to Fort Washington HD, for their Rolling to Remember Open House. (EZ Pass will not be needed)

Be at the Glen Burnie Royal Farms by 0915 am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 9:30 am. Official ride will end upon arrival the Ft. Washington HD.

NOTE: Remember to bring water to stay hydrated. (Link to Event - Rolling To Remember: a demonstration ride.

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Chapter Ride to the Rolling to Remember Event in Washington DC
7:45 AM07:45

Chapter Ride to the Rolling to Remember Event in Washington DC

Departure Location
Royal Farms – Glen Burnie
930 Cromwell Park Drive
Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Join Kevin Penharlow as he leads a highway ride to the RFK Stadium to attend the Rolling to Remember Event in Washington DC. The official chapter ride will end upon arrival at RFK Stadium, due to riders getting split up during the ride.

The Rolling to Remember ride begins at 12:00 noon.
Bring water/ lunch & snacks as this usually is an All Day event.

Be at the Glen Burnie Royal Farms by 7:45 am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 8:00 am.

(Link to Event- Rolling To Remember: a demonstration ride.

RFK Stadium
2400 East Capitol St. N.E.
Wash7:45ington, DC 20003

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Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter Gathering
9:00 AM09:00

Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter Gathering

HD of Baltimore – (Upstairs room, over the Royal Enfield Showroom)
8845 Pulaski Highway
Baltimore, MD 21237

The May Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter gathering will be held on Saturday May at the HD of Baltimore Store, in the upstairs room, over the Royal Enfield showroom. There will be a social hour from 8:00am to 9:00am, with the BMH Chapter meeting will run from 9:00am to 10::00am

Hope to see everyone at this event.

After the meeting, weather permitting, Marty Smith will lead a ride to High Rock.

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Chapter Ride to Old Glory HD for their Chapter Event.
8:45 AM08:45

Chapter Ride to Old Glory HD for their Chapter Event.

Departure Location:
Royal Farms - Glen Burnie
930 Cromwell Park Drive
Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Join Kyle Drake as he leads us to Old Glory HD for their BBQ Poker Run Event

Be at the Glen Burnie Royal Farms at 8:45 for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 9:00am.

Once arriving at Old Glory, we will join their scenic Poker Run

Old Glory HD
11800 Laurel Bowie Rd.
Laurel, MD 20708 In house Poker Run, (Save the date)

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Chapter Weekday Lunch Ride to Woody’s Crab House in Northeast, MD
9:45 AM09:45

Chapter Weekday Lunch Ride to Woody’s Crab House in Northeast, MD

Departure Location: Royal Farms - White Marsh 5361 Nottingham Drive. White Marsh MD 21162 Join Bob Brittingham, as he leads a scenic lunch ride to Woody’s Crab House in North East, MD.| Be at the White Marsh Royal Farms by 9:45am for the pre-ride briefing with KSU at 10:00am.

NOTE: This will be a rain or shine event. In the event of rain, or for anyone choosing not to attend the ride portion, please plan to meet us at the Restaurant at 12:00 noon. Reservation will be under “Baltimore Harley” Woody’s Crab House 29 S. Main Street North East, MD 21901

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Chapter ride to the Brooms Bloom for Ice cream
8:45 AM08:45

Chapter ride to the Brooms Bloom for Ice cream

Departure Location

Glen Burnie - Royal Farms 930 Cromwell Park Dr. Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Join Katrina Parker as she leads a scenic ride to Brooms Bloom in Belair, MD for some lunch and ice cream.

Be at the Glen Burnie Royal Farms by 8:45am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 9:00 am

Brooms Bloom 1700 S. Fountain Green Rd. Belair, MD 21015

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Chapter Fathers Day Ride to Char’d BBQ in Upperco, MD
9:45 AM09:45

Chapter Fathers Day Ride to Char’d BBQ in Upperco, MD

Departure Location:

Royal Farms - White Marsh 5361 Nottingham Drive White Marsh, MD 21162

Join Dennis Pencek, as he leads us on a Scenic Ride to our Annual Fathers Day lunch at Char’d BBQ in Upperco, MD. EZ Pass will not be needed. The official Chapter ride will end upon arrival at the Char’d BBQ.

Be at the White Marsh Royal Farms by 9:45am for the pre-ride briefing with KSU at 10:00am.

NOTE: The Char’d BBQ now accepts Cash & Credit Cards. Also, please remember to bring a kickstand puck in case we need to park on the overflow lot.


Char’d BBQ 15513 Hanover Pike Upperco, MD 21155

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Chapter Ride to the Museum of Health & Medicine, and the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (Air & Space Museum) in Chantilly, VA
8:45 AM08:45

Chapter Ride to the Museum of Health & Medicine, and the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (Air & Space Museum) in Chantilly, VA

Departure Location:

Royal Farms - Glen Burnie 930 Cromwell Park Drive Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Join Kevin Penharlow as he leads a scenic ride to the Museum of Health & Medicine in Silver Springs. After visiting the Museum, Kevin will lead the group to the Air and Space Museum in Chantilly, VA.

NOTE: The admission to the Museum of Health & Medicine, and the Air & Space Museum are free, however there is a $15.00 parking fee at the Air & Space Museum.

Be at the Glen Burnie Royal Farms by 8:45am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 9:00am

Museum Of Health & Medicine Air & Space Museum 2500 Linden La. (Forest Green Annex) 14390 Air & Space Museum Dr. Silver Spring, MD 20910 Chantilly, VA 20151

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June- Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter Gathering
11:00 AM11:00

June- Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter Gathering

Location; HD of Baltimore Harley - (Upstairs room over the Royal Enfield Showroom) 8845 Pulaski Highway Baltimore, MD 21237

The June Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter gathering will be held at the Harley Davidson Store, on Sunday June 22, 2025. There will be a social hour from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon before the meeting, and the Chapter meeting portion will run from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm.

Hope to see everyone at this event.

For those interested, depending on the weather, there could be a Chapter ride for Ice Cream after the Gathering.

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Chapter Ride to Shady Maple Restaurant in East Earl, PA
9:45 AM09:45

Chapter Ride to Shady Maple Restaurant in East Earl, PA

Departure Location

Royal Farms – White Marsh 5361 Nottingham Drive White Marsh, MD 21162

Join Denin Wert as he leads a Scenic ride to the Shady Maple Restaurant in East Earl, PA. This will be about a 2 hour ride, with one rest stop about half way, arriving at Shady Maple about 12:00 Noon. Lunch Cost is $18.99 with a 12% service fee. There is also a 10% Senior Discount.

The official chapter ride will end upon arrival at the restaurant. The return route will be individual choice, however, Dervin can lead a ride back to the Baltimore for those not familiar with the East Earl area.

Be at the White Marsh Royal Farms by 9:45am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 10:9:00am. Location Shady Maple Restaurant 129 Toddy Drive East Earl, PA 17519

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Camp Cone Practice
11:00 AM11:00

Camp Cone Practice

Marley Station Mall parking lot near old Sears building.

Come out with Marty Smith, and enjoy some practice time to get yourself ready for the riding events that will be held at the HOG’s At The Beach rally in September of 2025.

Marty will be arranging practice sessions for the Slow Ride, Jousting and other events which are held at the HATB rally in September.

Marley Station Mall
7900 Ritchie Highway
Glen Burnie MD 21061

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Chapter Pie Day ride to Serpico’s Pizza
11:45 AM11:45

Chapter Pie Day ride to Serpico’s Pizza

Departure Location

Royal Farms – White Marsh 5361 Nottingham Drive Nottingham, MD 21162

Join Bob Brittingham as he leads a scenic Chapter ride to Serpico’s Pizza in Sparks, MD to celebrate Pie Day (3/14) with some Pizza Pie.

Be at the White Marsh Royal Farms by 11:45am for the pre-ride briefing with KSU at 12:00Noon.

NOTE: It will only be about a 45 minute ride to Serpico’ Pizza, and the official ride will end upon arrival at Restaurant.

This will be a rain or shine event. In case of rain, or for those choosing not to participate in the ride, plan to be at Serpico’s at 12:45pm.

Serpico’s Pizza 10 Fla Way #N Sparks Glencoe, MD 21152 (We will be eating inside, so have a mask, or face covering available.)

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Chapter Chilly – Chili Ride.
10:45 AM10:45

Chapter Chilly – Chili Ride.

Departure Location

Royal Farms - Catonsville
6430 Rt. 40 West
Catonsville, MD 21228

Join Marty Smith as he leads a scenic cool weather ride to fight off the winter blues, and get some lunch along the way. A lunch location will be decided the day of the ride.

Be at the Catonsville Royal Farms by 10:45 am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 11:00 am.

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Chapter Holiday Party
6:00 PM18:00

Chapter Holiday Party

  • Harley-Davidson of Baltimore (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Chapter holiday party is Saturday, December 7 from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. (please do not arrive before 5:30) in partnership with Harley Davidson of Baltimore.  The location is at the HD Store (upstairs over the Royal Enfield showroom). There will be a White Elephant gift swap with a value of $25 to $30 (participation is optional and, please, make your gift gender neutral and no clothing). Choose something you would like to receive and bring your gift wrapped. The Chapter is providing the main course of sliced beef and sliced turkey.  Based upon the first initial of your last name bring a covered dish: A-D provide a dessert dish, and E-Z provide a side (or main) dish. Bring enough to feed three to four times the number in your group. If you do not want to bring a side dish or dessert, the cost is $10 per person to attend. Guests are $10. The Party is BYOB with the Chapter providing soft drinks.


There will be an ugly sweater contest and several other games with prizes, in addition to door prizes.  Sign up at the Chapter meetings through November, or let Robin Churchill or Sharon Birchfield know you plan to attend.  This party is a great chance to wish your fellow HOG members a wonderful holiday and steal some gifts! 

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Baltimore Metro Chapter Movie Night
6:00 PM18:00

Baltimore Metro Chapter Movie Night

Enjoy an evening of fun, fellowship, popcorn & drinks, while watching a Movie with your fellow Chapter members.

Plan to arrive about 6:00pm, as the movie will begin at 6:30 pm.

Don’t forget, you can bring your comfortable chairs to enjoy the movie.

At the Baltimore HD Store
Upstairs room over the Royal Enfield Showrroom

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Chapter Weekday Lunch Ride to Bullock’s Family Restaurant in Westminster, MD.
9:45 AM09:45

Chapter Weekday Lunch Ride to Bullock’s Family Restaurant in Westminster, MD.

  • Bullock’s Country Family Restaurant (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Departure Location:
Royal Farms - Hunt Valley
11119 McCormick Rd.
Hunt Valley, MD 21031

Join Bob Brittingham, as he leads a scenic lunch ride to Bullock’s Country Family Restaurant in Westminster, MD.

Be at Royal Farms by 9:45 AM for the pre-ride briefing with KSU at 10:00 AM.

(EZ Pass will not be needed)

Bullock’s Country Family Restaurant
2020 Sykesville Rd.
Westminster, MD 21157

(We will be eating inside, so be sure to have a mask, or face covering, if needed)

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Chapter Ride to Veterans Day Ceremony at Holly Hills Memorial Gardens
10:00 AM10:00

Chapter Ride to Veterans Day Ceremony at Holly Hills Memorial Gardens

Departure Location:
Royal Farms – White Marsh
5361 Nottingham Drive.
White Marsh, MD 21162

Join Bob Brittingham as we ride to attend the Veterans Day Prayer Services at Holly Hills Memorial Gardens. (Ceremony starts at 11:00 am)
Be at the Royal Farms in White Marsh, by 10:00am for a pre ride briefing, with KSU at 10:15 am.

This will be a short 15 minute ride to Holly Hills Cemetery, and official ride will end upon arrival at Holly Hills. Optional ride to lunch afterwards.

Services will be held outside, so take weather in to account. If weather is not favorable to ride, feel free to meet us at Holly Hills Memorial Gardens

Holly Hill Cemetery
10201 Bird River Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21229

(Have a mask or face covering available if needed.)

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October - Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter Gathering
7:00 PM19:00

October - Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter Gathering

  • Baltimore Harley Davidson Store (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The October Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter gathering will bring us back to Tuesday nights for the winter months. The Gathering will be at the Harley Davidson Store, on Tuesday October 29, 2024. The meeting portion will run from 7:00pm to 8:00pm, and there will be a social hour from 6:00pm to 7:00pm before the meeting.

Hope to see everyone at this event.

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Chapter Weekday Lunch Ride to Chubby’s Barbeque in Emmittsburg, MD
9:45 AM09:45

Chapter Weekday Lunch Ride to Chubby’s Barbeque in Emmittsburg, MD

Departure Location:
Royal Farms – Hunt Valley
11119 McCormick Rd.
Hunt Valley MD 21031

Join Bob Brittingham as he leads a scenic lunch ride to Chubby’s BBQ in Emmitsburg, MD.

Be at Hunt Valley Royal Farms by 9:45am for the pre-ride briefing with KSU at 10:00am.

(EZ Pass will not be needed)

Chubby’s BBQ
16430 Old Frederick Rd. #A
Emmitsburg, MD 21717

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Demo Days at Harley Davidson of Baltimore
10:00 AM10:00

Demo Days at Harley Davidson of Baltimore

Friday, Saturday & Sunday – October 18th, 19th and 20th

Friday 10:00am top 4:00pm, and 9:00 am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday Come out to Harley Davidson of Baltimore for their fall Demo days, test ride all the new 2024 Harley Davidson models.

On Saturday & Sunday, there will be live music, and a Food Truck will be there to provide food and beverages.

HD of Baltimore 8845 Pulaski Highway Baltimore, MD 21237

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Chapter Ride to Joint Chapter Event at Chesapeake Landing.
9:30 AM09:30

Chapter Ride to Joint Chapter Event at Chesapeake Landing.

  • Chesapeake Landing Restaurant (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Departure Location:

Royal Farms – Glen Burnie 930 Cromwell Park Drive Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Join Eric Evans he leads a Mostly Highway ride to the Joint Chapter luncheon at Chesapeake Landing Restaurant in St Michaels, MD. The lunch at Chesapeake Landing will run from 11:30am to 1:00 pm. There will be a full lunch menu available.

Note : No pricing on all You Can Eat Crabs at this time.

Be at the Glen Burnie Royal Farms, by 9:30am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 9:45am.

NOTE: Be sure to bring your EZ Pass, as we will be crossing the Bay Bridge. Location: Chesapeake Landing Restaurant 23713 St. Michaels Rd. St. Michaels, MD 21663

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Chapter Annual Mini Golf Tournament - Save the Date
9:45 AM09:45

Chapter Annual Mini Golf Tournament - Save the Date


Departure Location:
Royal Farms - White Marsh
5361 Nottingham Drive
White Marsh, MD 21162

Join Kyle Drake as he leads a scenic to our Chapter Mini Golf Tournament event at the Churchville Golf Center.

NOTE. Cost of Golf is $6.00. (CASH only)

EZ Pass will not be needed for this ride.

Be at the White Marsh Royal Farms by 9:45 am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 10:00am.

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Friday Chapter Ride to HOG’s at the Beach 2024
9:45 AM09:45

Friday Chapter Ride to HOG’s at the Beach 2024

  • Francis Scott Key Family Resort (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Departure Locations: Royal Farms
#1) White Marsh #2) Glen Burnie
5361 Nottingham Drive. 930 Cromwell Park Drive
White Marsh 21162 Glen Burnie, MD

Join Bob Brittingham as he leads an all highway ride to Ocean City, Maryland for our annual HOG’s at the beach Event. Bob will meet at the White Marsh Royal Farms at 9:45 am for a pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 10:00am, and then head to the Royal Farms in Glen Burnie to pick up other riders.

From there we will head down Rt. 97 to Rt. 50, cross the Bay Bridge, and continue to the Francis Scott Key Family Resort in Ocean City.
There will be one rest/ Gas stop in Cambridge along the way.

The Official Chapter Ride will end upon arrival at the Francis Scott Key facility

Leg #1) If leaving from the White Marsh Royal Farms, be there by 9:45am for briefing, KSU @ 10:00am.

Leg#2) If leaving from the Glen Burnie Royal Farms, be there by 10:30 am for briefing, KSU when group arrives.


Francis Scott Key Family Resort
12806 Ocean Gateway
Ocean City, MD 21842

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September - Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter Gathering
7:00 PM19:00

September - Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter Gathering

  • Baltimore Harley Davidson Store (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The September Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter gathering will be held at the Harley Davidson Store, on Tuesday September 24, 2024. The meeting portion will run from 7:00pm to 8:00pm, and there will be a social hour from 6:00pm to 7:00pm before the meeting.

Hope to see everyone at this event.

The September meeting was moved to Tuesday night due to the HOG's at the Beach event the following weekend.

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Chapter Day Ride to O/C Bike Week
7:15 AM07:15

Chapter Day Ride to O/C Bike Week

Join Eric Evans & Rick Modlin as they lead us on an all highway ride to Ocean City, MD, to attend the O/C Bike Week Event. This will be a down and back all in one day ride to Ocean City.(Approximately 300 mle day)

Be at the Glen Burnie Royal Farms by 7:15am for the pre-ride briefing, with KSU at 7:30 am.

Be sure to bring your EZ Pass, as we will be crossing the Bay Bridge, and there will be rest/ Gas stops as needed along the way.

Glen Burnie Royal Farms
930 Cromwell Park Drive.
Glen Burnie, MD 21061

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September Baltimore Metro Social Movie Night
6:30 PM18:30

September Baltimore Metro Social Movie Night

  • Harley Davidson of Baltimore (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come and join your fellow HOG members for popcorn and a movie. The movie will be a recent release about our favorite activity. Location will be over the Royal Enfield showroom at Baltimore Harley Davidson. The Chapter will provide sodas, water and popcorn. Please feel free to bring beverages (including adult beverages) and snacks. Doors will open at 6:30 pm, the movie will start about 7 pm and is about 2 hours long.

Robin Churchill
Activities Coordinator Baltimore Metro HOG

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